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dc.contributor.authorDRIS, Ibrahim
dc.description.abstractThe botanic genera Pistacia are groups around ffeen species of shrubs that belong to the Anacardiaceae family which is believed to have originated in Asian or Mediterranean region. P. lentscus is abundant species of the Pistacia genus encountered in the forest region of Ouarsenis mount (Northwest of Algeria), exactly in the natonal park of Thniet El Had in the Wilaya of Tissemsilt in Algeria. In the present study, chemical compositon and antbacterial actvites of essental oil (EO) of P. lentscus were evaluated. The EO was isolated and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). The minimum inhibitory concentraton (MIC) was determined using 6 strains of Gram-positve and negatve bacteria. The antbiogram was made following the gliosis-environment diffusion method and which makes it possible to determinate bacteria’s sensibility to antbiotcs. From a exponental culture (18 to 24 hours), a bacterial suspension was prepared and wellhomogenized aferwards. The opacity was adjusted equivalent to 0.5 McF (McFarland). Based on the GC-MS analysis, thirty-fve compounds representng 100 % of the total oil compositon were identfed. The essental oils could be explored to test their antmicrobial actvity, especially against some bacteria that cause alimentary intoxicatons. The results revealed that the essental oil exhibited strong levels of antbacterial actvity against the tested microorganism regarding the MIC values, Salmonella sp was found to be the most sensitve strain (inhibiton zone 23cm MIC 1.25%). Based on the fndings of the present study, new antbacterial agents could be developed, and the use of P. lentscus should be promoted in the traditonal treatment of ailments.en_US
dc.publisherSouth Asian J Exp Biolen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;Vol. 8, Issue 6, Page 207-211
dc.subjectChemical compositon
dc.subjectPistacia lentscus
dc.subjectessental oil
dc.subjectmedicinal applicatons
dc.titleGas chromatography-Mass spectrometry analysis and antbacterial evaluaton of essental oils of Pistacia lentscus from Wilaya of Tissemsilt in Algeriaen_US

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