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dc.contributor.authorنقاز, مخطار
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to know the impact of strategic information systems in its dimensions (information, people, and information technology) on the organization’s performance in its dimensions (strategy, leadership, talent, culture, and the market), and in order to identify the nature of the relationship between the independent variable, strategic information systems, and the dependent variable Organization's performance, a questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 85 industrial establishments, while the number of sample individuals reached 129, representing administrative leaderships at various administrative levels, and the study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was that there is an impact of strategic information systems on the performance of the institutions under studyen_US
dc.subjectInformation, Information systems, Strategy, Performance, Organizationen_US
dc.title- نظم المعلومات الاستراتيجية وأثرها على أداء المنظمة - دراسة حالةen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US

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