Now showing items 1-20 of 35

    e-management, quality,banking services, e-banking services quality [1]
    economic responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility, and charitable responsibility, Emotional loyalty, charitable loyalty, ongoing loyalty. [1]
    Environmental management system, environmental responsibility, ISO 14001: 2015, economic institutions [1]
    Human capital - investment in human capital - tourism - hotel services - tourism development [1]
    Information, Information systems, Strategy, Performance, Organization [1]
    Knewledge ,intellectual capital, strategic vigilance [1]
    knowledge management, knowledge management processes, human competency development [1]
    knowledge, human resource management - Quality of tourism services - Sustainable tourism development [1]
    leadership, creativity, creative leadership, leadership excellence, service excellence, organizational excellence [1]
    Mental image - quality of services - tourism - institution – customers [1]
    Quality - Total Quality Management - New Competetive Strategies [1]
    Strategic diagnosis, strategic management, creativity and innovation [1]
    strategic human resource management - human resource management strategies - intellectual capital [1]
    اخلاقيات الاعمال [1]
    اداء الامنظمات [1]
    ادارة الصراع التنظيمي [1]
    الإدارة الإلكتًونية، ابعودة، ابػدمات ابؼصرفية، جودة ابػدمات ابؼصرفية الإلكتًونية [1]
    التشخيص الإستاييي، الإدارة الإستايييية، الإندا والانتكءر [1]
    التطوير التنظيمي [1]
    الثقافة التنظيمية [1]